Frequently asked questions

“Oxygen for Life” is about improving health through natural means, focusing on increased cellular oxygen and alkaline living.

Jan Lindhardt is a natural health advocate who has done over 15,000 hours of research into natural wellness.

You can purchase the book through our website using credit cards or PayPal.

You’ll learn practical health tips, the importance of cellular oxygen, and how to implement an alkaline lifestyle.

Yes, Jan Lindhardt offers a free natural wellness course on his website.

Yes, you can reach him via email at jan@health2usa.com.

Many readers have shared positive feedback about the book, which you can find on our website.

Jan’s personal experiences and extensive research into maintaining health without insurance inspired him to share his knowledge.

Yes, Jan’s not-for-profit organization, Oxygen for Life, aims to help veterans improve their quality of life.

We accept credit cards and PayPal.